26 July 2014

Sun & Silage

This week has been mighty busy. Temperatures reached the mid-twenties and above, which meant it was time for silage and haylage. Tractors started up at 8am and didn't stop until 7pm or after. Since Monday Dad, an assortment of dogs, and myself, have made 306 bales of silage or haylage.

This is a field that's being mowed for silage.

Dad goes around it with the baler, and as the bales are spat out, it's my job to get them into rows so it's easier for them to be wrapped. I like things neat and tidy, so the straighter the better.

(If the bales are in a field that is not at home, we take two tractors and two trailers to the bales and draw them home. It can be time-consuming, especially if there's a lot of traffic on the roads. These bales will all be brought home on trailers.)

Then, once the bales are wrapped, it's up to me to tip them - that is, use the tractor to place them on their flat ends in a 'bale yard' (an empty field used for storing the bales). It's hot and dusty work, but at least I have my canine companions.

There are many bare fields after this week, but the job's not quite over yet...

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